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Sisters Voice Music

Thursday, 28th July 2022

Water stage

Sisters Voice Music is a community and a workshop for women musicians. A bottom-up initiative that provides three types of regular programs for spreading their wings and experienced female musicians. Sisters Voice one time is a series of stage music and at another it is a series of community building programs.



The open mic is special on the STAGE program because, on the one hand, only women can perform on the stage, and on the other hand, experienced musicians can show their songs. And the open jam part is special because it starts with a 'base song' that is processed by that 'base band' and then comes the free jamming. As a guest we are wellcomed musicians and non-musicians, regardless of gender.

COMMUNITY is a typical only women community building event where we play standing in a circle a musical impro theater game called the “human orchestra”; "human harmonium" that is a long-standing choir based on a capella harmonies; and we organize a teaching each other type mini-lecture with our own story.

The COMMUNITY - MINI concert is the home concert program of Sisters Voice, where the base band gives a mini concert in duo-trio-quartet in an intimate space in palace district. There are some cover songs, then jamming, in which the audience is involved, and after that our common musical play, the human orchestra, makes the evening a real community experience.

Our events: dog, child, mother and vegan friends.

Main-organizer: Szilvia Tóth, o-organizers: Telma Lincoln, Boglárka Báthory

At the HUG concert, the main band will be joined as guest musicians by Marlia Coeur, Eszter Ruskó and two female handpan players: Bernadett Ditrói and Mónika Nyikos. Basic band members: Telma Lincoln, Panka Pongrácz, Dóra Homoki, Leila Ridout, Csilla Ruzics, Enikő Somodi and Bukky.

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