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Light-tree meditation

with parapsychologist Viki Nagy
Saturday | July 22 | 14:00
Water stage

I am waiting for you for a joint meditation on Saturday the 22nd at 2 pm at the Water stage. Let's all huddle together, create the world's thickest tree, create its rings, hold each other or just give ourselves to those around us, experience what it's like to lean on someone and become a support for the other. Let's breathe together, feel what it feels like to be a tree , to rock, to put down roots, to feel the sustaining power of Mother Earth. And what else light meditation can give you...experience it; it makes you realize, reveals, solves, understands, brings you closer to your past, present and future. Become one with the elements, sing your voice, sway in the embrace of the sounds. And those who still hold the space for us with their magical instruments - Bence Erdősi-Bóta and Richárd Ternyák.